Our Essence

Ukrainian Quality, Tradition, and Craftsmanship

Gifts of the Chernozem Nature

Our products are cultivated on the fertile Ukrainian chernozem (black soil), considered one of the best soils for agriculture worldwide.

Traditional Processing with an Innovative Approach

In our products, centuries-old Ukrainian traditions of raw material processing are combined with modern technologies, ensuring the high quality of the final product.

A Crumb of Love and Passionate Craftsmanship

Each Tastories product is made with special care and attention, embodying the love for Ukrainian land and dedication to the art of manufacturing.

Wheat Flour

Our wheat flour, grown on the mineral-rich Ukrainian chernozem, encapsulates centuries of agricultural heritage and splendor in every grain.

Sunflower Oil

Pressed from the finest sunflowers, our oil retains a pure, natural flavor and aroma, reflecting the sunny energy of Ukrainian fields.


Produced from high-quality natural sugar beets, our sugar embodies the strength and sweetness of the Ukrainian land, cultivated with love and care.

“Ukrainian tastes better – discover the richness of our land in every piece, where tradition meets quality.”

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